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tice when tha

tice when tha

people on Main Street noticed the lending practices going on behind the scenes and understood the extent of the bubble that was in place.The problem now is spotting similar bubbles going forward.I'll be the first to say www.buyrayban.co.uk that timing the week, month or even year that a bubble will pop is extremely difficult. But that doesn't mean you can't notice when that day is near, and for housing it www.ismoncleroutlet.com may be just around the corner.There is a substantial divergence as we approach 2015. Prices have climbed about 50% since 2000 and rebounded strongly from the bottom in 2010 to 2011. But existing home sales - the amount of homes actually sold - have lagged and are up just 5% since 2000.Median prices have topped their bubbled peaks set in 2005, but this time, the amount of